Friday, October 16, 2015


I keep saying I'm going to blog more often, and then life happens and blogging just becomes one of those things that doesn't become a priority.. But like a lifelong friend, you can go for a period of time without talking and still be there for one another. So, here I am. Back to update on my life and what's been happening the past two weeks..

Weight Watcher's:
Two weeks ago I saw another gain and finally reached out for help. My sister has offered to help me meal plan, shop, and prep and I finally jumped in and took her up on the offer. 

I followed the plan closely, but stayed flexible as well.. 

5 pounds in one week!!! Boo ya!

So, then Patrick and I decided to attempt it ourselves this week. We planned and shopped, but no prepping happened. I still ate well all week, so I'm hoping to get back to it this week and actually follow through.

I'm also drinking more water thanks to my new app Plant Nanny. You track your water intake and water your plant. It may seem silly, but it's helping! 

Marathon training: 
I skipped my 4 mile run two weekends ago and regretted it last weekend when we went out for 7 miles. To be honest, it's difficult and I'm starting from square one, but I'm making progress and I'm proud of myself. 

It would be so easy to just stop. To not even try. But I am trying and I am really happy to be lacing up my shoes and getting back out there again.

This popped up on my news feed a couple days ago: 

And I have my countdown app:

And my feelings toward the race are becoming more about excitement and less nervousness.

I would like to keep up with my sister for as long as possible, but this is her race. She's in the best shape of her life and is killing these training runs. It's so inspiring to watch her. My goal is to finish. No time goal for me this time. I got my PR. I just want to be there for her.

I had been keeping up with my training schedule pretty well. I would say sticking to it about 85% of the time. Getting in some walks on my break at work, going for a run after work, doing some strength DVDs.. 

Then my sister started talking to me about boot camp. 

I can see it works. I mean, that's obvious. But I was scared.. What if I couldn't do it? What if he yelled at me? What if we had to do burpees? What if..? 

So I told myself to make it through October following my planned workout and then I would join boot camp..

Two days later I was at my first boot camp. Leg day. And burpees..

But, I survived! I wanted to hate it, and there were points where I did, but I know my body won't change if I don't push myself past my comfort zone. So, I'm signing up for a year and planning on going at least twice a week.

Which I already have.. Wednesday boot camp and this morning at 530am for a studio body conditioning class.

This was updated as of yesterday: 

Which means, as of today I am 13 days smoke free. I still have cravings, but I have not (and will not) give into them.. I'm stronger than that, and even more than that, I really do not want to go through the first few days of quitting again..

We also added to our family:

I received an email from the shelter that they were taking the $125 registration and fees for a new pet down to $25. I looked online and saw this face and fell in love:

So, Patrick took Camper to meet him and things went smoothly and we brought him home.

So far, everything has been smooth. All three animals get along and Joey has made himself at home. 

Camper and Marley are still getting plenty of love.. 

My mom, sister and I went out and got matching tattoos. I love it and am so excited that we all agreed on the design.

This past Monday, Patrick and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary.

Where did that time go?! 

Patrick planned a great evening.. In-N-Out at our wedding venue! Then my parents came to take some pictures (haven't seen them yet!!)

The In-N-Out is meaningful because we had planned to go there the night of the wedding. But we were both exhausted, so we skipped it. One of very few things I would change about that night.. He can be romantic when he wants to be..

Business is going well. I have over 20 orders and have complete more than half. Always excited to get new orders, and looking forward to stocking the Etsy store. 

Right now I'm working on one for Patrick for his friend's baby shower. 

I've been trying to stay out of the yarn store unless I need something for a specific project.. The stash is expanding and I'm running out of room! 

Overall, life is fantastic.. 

And I am doing really well..

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