Saturday, August 8, 2015

48 Days...

That's how long of a break I took from running. 

48 days ago, on June 21st, I ran the Mammoth Half Marathon. Well, ran/walked intervals for about 7 miles and then walked the remaining miles until I reached the finish line.

Since then I've gone from having zero desire to lace up my shoes to feeling the need to pound the pavement for awhile. It never happened though. There was always an excuse, making me believe that I wasn't ready quite yet.

And I listened to myself. I let myself rest. I let myself focus on eating better. I let the desire to start working out build up until I knew it was time.

It's time..

On Thursday, I did some strength training. Nothing too crazy or for too long. I'm still working on baby steps here and trying to make it as livable as I possibly can. I would say I did maybe 10-15 minutes of arms and abs before taking the dog for a 20 minute walk.

Friday was supposed to be a cross training day, but scheduling that in meant getting up early. I had good intentions and set my alarm for 4:50am, but continued to press snooze until it was time to get up and get ready for work.

I decided awhile ago that I need to be patience and flexible if I'm going to make this last longer than a few days. I want to make this a habit that stays with me, so knowing I can move a workout to the next day or skip it altogether if need be is huge for me..

I decided that I would add my cross training onto Saturday, which also had a run scheduled. I could easily fit in both. And I did.

I went for a run!!

I'm still in shock and can't believe I actually got dressed at 5:30pm and went out for a run.

I chose to leave the GPS watch at home. No need to worry about distance or speed right now. I just took my handy interval timer and asked Isabel to ride her scooter with me. 

30 minutes later I got home with a huge smile on my face. 

It was difficult. I was out of breath. I'm out of shape. It hurt. But I did it!! 

It's a step in the right direction..

Now off to make up the cross training from yesterday with some time on the bike.

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