Sunday, September 6, 2015


I need to get better about posting on a more regular basis, and with recent events, I plan to.. 

I'll start with Weight Watcher's-

I lost 3 pounds this week!! I tracked (almost) all week and it paid off. Who would have thought that following the program would actually work.. 


I am happy to say that I am getting orders for blankets and keeping busy. Still getting orders from family and friends for now, but so grateful to those supporting me and my adventure.

I'm hoping once the custom orders are done I can focus on making a bunch for the Etsy store. 


I received an email from my sister asking if I was already signed up for the LA Marathon, which I was. I was planning on taking the hit financially and not running, but she decided to register and it's happening!!! 

Training starts tomorrow, and although every day has something scheduled I plan to make my goal to complete more than I skip. 

I spoke with my leader at Weight Watcher's and we're going to keep an eye on how much I'm eating while training. Shouldn't have to worry too much until the double digit miles, but I don't want what happens each time I train for a race to happen again. 

I decided to spend this 3 day weekend crocheting only, but being a wife, mom, step mom, pet owner and house owner (and now in training mode) makes that impossible. Saturday was spent crocheting, so I'll need to mix it up a bit today and tomorrow. 

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! 

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