Saturday, August 16, 2014

Back in the Game!

After two full weeks off I am finally back to running.

I spent some time yesterday updating my training plan to reflect the weeks I had missed. I set my sights high for this weeks long distance run. I wanted to make up for last week's missed half marathon but wasn't quite ready to run a half. 

Instead I looked on Jeff Galloway's training plan to see what last week would have been. It showed 7 miles on the calendar.

7 felt doable, but I wasn't going to commit to anything. I had only gone for three walks and I wasn't sure how my heels were going to feel. In my head I told myself anywhere from 3-7 miles would be productive. I tracked a 7 mile course that I could turn around and come home if need be.



There was no turning around. I felt sluggish at first, and out of shape. It was hard to catch my breath and my heart felt like it was never going to return to a normal beat. The first 3 miles were almost all uphill. But I pushed on. My heels weren't hurting so I kept going.

Mile 1- 13:14
Mile 2- 13:25
Mile 3- 12:48
Mile 4- 12:55
Mile 5- 12:51
Mile 6- 12:35
Mile 7- 12:34
Total distance- 7.21 miles
Total time- 1:33:34
Average pace- 12:59

I don't really know what to say about this run. I felt slow. I felt tired. I felt ready to give up. I felt happy.

I missed running. I missed the feeling I get while running. I missed the feeling I get after finishing a run. I missed lacing my shoes for a long run. 

I found myself jealous of people I don't know who were out for a run. I don't like that feeling. I'm glad I was able to take the time off to heal, but it felt incredible getting back to it today.

And the two weeks off also gave me a chance to focus on my eating. After gaining 5 pounds three weeks ago I was ready to quit. I didn't want to put my body and my mind through focusing on weight loss anymore. Instead I realized that quitting was not the answer and instead I refocused on making August my month. 

And wow, has it been!! 

Week 1 of August I lost 2 pounds. Week 2 (last week) I lost 2.6!! All it took was tracking and committing to myself to lose weight for myself. 

All I know is that I feel good. I feel on track. I'm ready to see success in running and in my weight loss. I'm not quitting.. I'm not even considering it as an option.

This week is going to be nice and easy. My goals are simple: 2-3 short runs with my long run on Saturday and 2-3 workouts on the stationary bike. No pressure.
There's been a lot going on in my personal, weight loss and fitness life. A lot that I want to share in the coming days! Stay tuned..

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