Saturday, October 18, 2014

Long Distance Training Run- 17.12 miles

This weeks training run was an amazing and exhausting 17 miles. And I got to run in my favorite place..

Two weeks ago I had a difficult 15 mile training run. I wasn't too concerned about the distance beforehand because after running 13.1 on a pretty consistent basis this year adding two more didn't seem like that big of a deal. But add the heat and the hills and it became a mental and physical struggle to finish and I contemplated calling Patrick to pick me up multiple times (I didn't because I knew that he wouldn't). 

This week I was actually excited to push myself to 17 miles. I was looking forward to the challenge and knew how amazing it would feel to be done. 

But, to be done means you have to put in the work to get there, and 17 miles is a long way.. 

I forgot just how far until I got out there and started going. It's been over a year and a half since I last completed a marathon. Meaning it's been over a year and a half since I've trained for a marathon.

Half marathon training is a challenge, but a different kind of challenge. At this point running a half marathon is still physically and mentally exhausting, but less so than it used to be. 

Doubling that distance does things to your body and to your mind and even though I've completed three marathons so far and I know I will complete the three I plan to do next year, I'm starting at square one again.

Well, not quite square one.. 

When I decided to run my first marathon my furthest distance I had completed was 6.2 miles in a mud run race. That was square one.. This time training really started at 13.1 miles, but now that those miles are starting to increase it's getting a little nerve-wracking and exciting. 

Training is a dress rehearsal for race day. Although I won't make it to the full 26.2 miles this training session I am still using these longer distances as a chance to prepare completely. My muscles need to get used to it all again, but more importantly my mind needs to get used to it again.

I truly believe that at some point running is completely mental and you need to prepare as much as you can for that. It is very rare for me to run a race and not hit a wall. That's when you run with your head and your heart. 

So that's what I'll be working on.. Finding mental exercises to get through the long distances. 

As for today's run, it started with 11 miles with my best friend. This was her longest to date and I am so proud of her. I love watching people set goals for themselves and push past their comfort zones to reach them. It is going to be awesome crossing the finish line with her at her first half marathon in November. 

When we finished I went out for the last 6 miles. My hip had been sore almost the entire run, and it was really hurting when there was no one there to distract me. As much as I like to think I'm there supporting her, I know that she's doing the same for me and I wouldn't have made it today without her with me for the first 11. 

I relied on texting Patrick and talking to my mom and Isabel to make it the rest of the way. And I did make it the whole way. With a smile on my face

Another week down and I am so excited to be making progress. I am hoping this motivation stays with me awhile. I'll be needing it over the next 9+ months. 

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