2015 Goals:
1. Run and/or walk 1702 miles- as of 3/31/15 I am at a total of 429.87 miles, which is 25.23% of my goal.
2. Bike 5000 minutes on the stationary bike- as of 3/31/15 I am at a total of 1,305 miles, which is 26.10% of my goal.
3. Half Marathon PR- I ran the Chesebro Half Marathon on March 28th. I went out with zero intentions to PR, as the race was 2 weeks after the LA Marathon as well as the fact that the race was mostly on trails and I am not a trail runner. In order to reach this goal I am going to have to put in some serious effort on speed training. My current PR is around 2 hours 33 minutes, so my goal time is 2:30. In order to reach that I will have to maintain a 11:30 or less mile for all 13 miles. My current fastest is around 12:30 and I can't maintain that. Time to train!!
4. Full Marathon PR- Done!!!
5. Complete Tracy's Dose of Dopey- Done!!!
6. Complete Body Revolution- still scheduled to begin July 6th.
7. Work on getting out of credit card debt- Patrick and I were eligible for bonuses and received them the middle of this month. We decided to put a little away for some house projects we want to get started on and the rest went towards debt.
8. Volunteer at a nearby race- my request to volunteer in August has been emailed! I am hoping to volunteer at a water station.
9. Read at least 24 books- as of 3/31/15 I have completed 7 books and am 29% towards my goal. I am also 3% done with book #8.
10. Weigh less on 12/31/15 than I did on 12/31/14, have less body fat- my March weigh in definitely made this goal just slightly more difficult to reach, but I know that if I put my mind to it then I can make it happen!
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