2015 Goals:
1. Run and/or walk 1702 miles- as of 2/28/15 I am at a total of 287.90 miles, which is 16.92% of my goal.
2. Bike 5000 minutes on the stationary bike- as of 2/28/15 I am at a total of 880 miles, which is 17.60% of my goal.
3. Half Marathon PR- I have not completed a half marathon race this year other than Dopey and I did not PR, however I am only using actual races towards this goal. My first half this year will be on the 28th and I am not going out to PR since it will be two weeks after the LA Marathon.
4. Full Marathon PR- I have not completed a full marathon race this year other than Dopey and I did PR by exactly 2 minutes, however I am only using actual races towards this goal. My first marathon will be the 15th of this month and I will be attempting 45:1 intervals. I printed out a pace bracelet, showing exactly what time I need to hit each mile to hit a finishing time of 5 hours 50 minutes, giving me a PR. I will need to maintain a 13:20 pace for the full 26.2 miles. Here's to attempt #1!
5. Complete Tracy's Dose of Dopey- Done!!!
6. Complete Body Revolution- still scheduled to begin July 6th. I am enjoying my strength training three days a week for now and believe it will help me feel strong when I start the 90 day program.
7. Work on getting out of credit card debt- Patrick and I were very fortunate with our tax return this year thanks to our big purchase of 2014.
We chose to take a small portion (5%) and we each got a little spending money and the remaining amount went towards debt. I'm really proud of us and our choice. This next month we are both eligible and receiving bonuses at work. We're not 100% sure on the total, so we can't plan too much, but we are going to focus a large amount on our debts. I'm in full debt pay off mode and there is no stopping me!! Now if only I could think of some ways to make some extra money without spending time away from Isabel..
8. Volunteer at a nearby race- my request to volunteer in August has been emailed! I am hoping to volunteer at a water station.
9. Read at least 24 books- as of 2/28/15 I have completed 4 books and am 16.67% towards my goal. I am also 72% done with book #5.
10. Reach a healthy weight and BMI, have less body fat- this is changing officially to simply weigh less on 12/31/15 than I did on 12/31/14. Progress, no matter the number, will be celebrated. And to be honest, the focus may change even more to be less weight based and more measurement based. Who knows at this point
I spent a good portion of this past month stressing about whether or not I would reach my goal. Stressing to the point that I regretted setting goals at all. But when I gave myself a chance to breathe and focus on how I could reach my goals it became less of a chore and I started to enjoy it again.. A reminder for March to stay focused.
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