I've cut out a lot from my life, and only the things I really missed are coming back.
I've missed blogging. Not because I feel I have anything important to say, but for my own selfish reasons. I like documenting my life. I like having a place to look back to past struggles and accomplishments. It's a lot easier for me than writing in a journal. And yes, if I happen to be able to be relatable for someone else, then it's an even better hobby to have!
There have been a lot of changes in my life. Some major eye openers, both good and not so good. But I can say, with 100% honesty, that I am the happiest I have ever been.
I'm really excited to share these changes that I've been making for myself. I'm less stressed and much happier in all areas of my life. It's been such an amazing past month or so and I am looking forward to what the future holds for me.
I'm planning to continue to blog about my weight loss, running, crafting, the house and my family, among other fun (to me) topics.
I'm really happy to be back.. I think this is going to be a good thing for me.
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