My focus has shifted from my passion for running to my passion for crocheting and I'm finding that I would rather spend my time working on the 12 blankets I am working on than work on adding up the miles towards my goal.
I've been spending the past week hoping for a reason to not be able to go to the race yesterday. I was not looking forward to waking up at 4am. I was not looking forward to running 13.1 miles. I was not looking forward to any part of it.
And that got me thinking about where I am with this whole running thing. My love for it is definitely being put to the test right now. I haven't gone for a run since my last race two weeks ago. I just haven't felt the want to do it.
But that's not going to help in the long run. I still have 2 marathons and 3-4 half marathons this year and a marathon and 10K I'm already signed up for next year.
When we started the race my legs were tight and I kept asking myself why I keep signing up and whether or not it's time to move on from this hobby..
By the end I was ready to get back to working towards my goals and getting back into proper training.
It's amazing what can happen during a run. It's so difficult to explain, but the spark was relit yet again.
I have a feeling that this love of mine is going through a difficult patch that isn't going to go away any time soon. And that's okay. I'm allowed to doubt myself and I'm allowed to put other hobbies ahead of this one sometimes. I'm working on finding a good balance and trying to convince myself that I don't have to do it all.
Next race is in 2 weeks!!
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