Goal weight: 163.8
Last weeks weight: 181.2
Current weight: 182.6
Current +/-: +1.4
Total +/-: -1.2
BMI: 27.9
I'm getting frustrated with myself for giving up after one bad meal or one bad day. Instead of picking myself up and moving on I just continue down the path of self destruction because it's easier to admit defeat than to stand up and keep fighting.
But that's not who I am. I am a person who sets goals and attempts to achieve them, no matter what it takes.
However, it has been brought to my attention that I am maybe putting to much pressure on myself to reach too many goals at once. Which I agree with.. But it's not that simple for me to just stop working towards something.
For now I am going to continue to work towards the goals I set at the beginning of the year, but I'm going to be focusing more towards certain ones (like my mileage goal) and less on others (like my biking goal). It doesn't mean I'm going to forget everything I've done or not continue to add what I plan on doing. I will still add it up, but if I don't reach the goal this year, I'll just try again in 2016, no big deal.
Overall, my main focus from all of my goals is reaching that 1702 mileage goal for my mom and ending the year weighing less than what I weighed when the year started. Everything else is good to work towards and make progress on, but not a fail if I don't quite reach them.
Who knows, but putting less pressure on myself to do all 10 goals may actually help me achieve them! At least that's what I'm hoping will happen..
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