Monday, February 23, 2015

My Weekend Mileage

This weekend I had to complete a total of 18 miles. Ideally, I would have completed those miles consecutively- running the first 8 with my sister and then going out for 10 alone.

That didn't happen, however I had told myself on Friday that it didn't matter how I got the miles in. It didn't matter when or where either. The idea was to put as little pressure on myself as possible. So I allowed myself to spread the mileage out over the weekend. I just needed to have completed 18 miles by Sunday night. 

I happened to complete the 18 miles I needed on Saturday by doing the following:
8.06 mile interval run with my sister
2.44 miles with Camper (1 mile interval run, 1.44 mile walk)
1.45 mile walk with Isabel to dinner
6.25 mile walk on the treadmill

Half of the distance was using intervals, the other half walking. More walking than I would have liked, but at this point I can't be upset about that. I have to be proud of what I did accomplish. 

I did plan on going out for some extra miles on Sunday, but I wasn't feeling 100% and the rain (which I usually love to run in) was a pretty good excuse to keep me inside. Isabel and I did go for a 1 mile walk though, so that was nice to get some fresh air. 

I'm actually really proud of myself for reaching my goal this weekend and for not allowing the number to take control. Next weekend is 20 miles, and although I will probably allow myself to spread the miles over the two days again, I do also need to reach a certain number of miles before Saturday to allow that to happen. 

For now I'm just going to focus on today and the miles I can get in. The rest will fall into place. 

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