I say outside with my coffee, my crocheting and my computer. I've been working on getting all of my photo CDs organized, and this was the perfect opportunity to get some work done.
Isabel joined me and spent some time outside with me reading until it got too hot and we went back inside.
The rest of the day was pretty much just as relaxing.
We watched the fireworks as a family about a block and a half away from where they set them off, which was also a perfect opportunity to get my workout in by walking there and back home, just about 2.5 miles total.
Today has been pretty active with some housework, but the rest of the day is looking to be just as relaxing as the rest of this perfect weekend- meaning I'll be crocheting a large majority of the rest of the day..
I'm looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. It should be a pretty quiet day workwise, which will give me a good opportunity to try to figure out our new system that is rolling out over this weekend.
Now that we're caught up on housework this coming week is looking to be easy going. We're hoping to stay committed to doing a nightly 10-20 minute pickup together to keep the house organized. That way I can focus more on decorating and making the rest of the house as calming as the living room. Patrick and I have both agreed that the living room is our favorite room in the house, meaning I'm trying to make the rest of the house as inviting and calming. It will get there with time, and lots of shopping!!
I've been getting my inspiration by watching HGTV, but mostly Fixer Upper. Unfortunately I just don't have the budget to make the updates/changes I wish I could make, the updates/changes I've been inspired to make. But we're making due with the space we have and I wouldn't trade my house for anything.
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