It feels so strange being on this end of the goal and knowing that I'm so close to finishing. Setting this goal meant a lot of time, money and energy but it has been so worth it.
Yesterday was the Rock N Roll Los Angeles half marathon. And being so close to Halloween it meant that costumes were encouraged.
Rachel and I participated and completed this race in 2011 (I cannot believe it's been that long!). It was a good course with a few challenges along the way, but challenges are good.
I picked up my race packet on Saturday, asking Patrick to drive me. I'm not comfortable driving long distances, so doing it twice in one weekend just did not sound appealing. I bribed him with Tito's Tacos and he agreed to go.
I also told him that since he was making the trip for me on Saturday that he didn't need to be at the finish line on Sunday. Running is my hobby and I selfishly want someone at the finish line to take pictures and because it's just a nice thought to be running towards someone who is there supporting your goals. But after running for 3+ years I know that standing around waiting for someone isn't fun and I try not to ask Patrick to be there too much. He has his own things to do on a Sunday morning, so I try to save my requests for him being there to special ones or ones close to home.
The morning started early so that I could have plenty of time to get to LA Live and the start line. I'm not very good without directions, so I used my phone to navigate me where I needed to go. Thankfully I found it easy enough and had plenty of time to walk around and keep my legs warmed up.
The national anthem was performed (quite beautifully) and the first corral was off. They did individual starts, meaning the 7am start time equalled a 730 start time for the corral I was in.
And then we were off and running..
My shins were pretty tight for the first 3 or so miles. I was not prepared for that because they usually loosen up after the first mile or two. I also wore a cotton top, which I was not used to and that proved to make it seem warmer than it was. I got into my head around mile 5 and actually said out loud "you cannot be hitting your wall yet." Although, maybe it was a good thing it happened so early because I pushed through and didn't feel like I hit a wall again.
The course was the same as I remembered it. A good course with some challenging areas.
I listened to my body and allowed myself two extra walk breaks, one going up a hill (I ran two intervals up and then needed to reset my interval timer so I gave myself an extra 30 seconds walking), and one during a water station.
It was during that uphill portion around mile 9 that I got a text from Patrick that made me cry.
He was at the finish line.
My husband is not a romantic person (his words). He is a good man, but surprised like this are not the norm. So, when I received the text I was shocked. This was a moment that made me feel so very loved.
I pushed on and enjoyed the rest of the run with a smile on my face, pushing past pain, self doubt and exhaustion. I just kept moving, keeping with my intervals until I reached mile 13 and I decided to push it and run straight to the end.
I ran by Patrick, getting a high five and a "finish strong".
And I did. 2:49. Not a PR, not even reaching my personal goal of finishing in 2:45, but a great finish on a great race. Just because I didn't reach a time goal doesn't mean I didn't push my body and my mind to do something amazing.
Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would be a runner. That I would look forward to getting up early to run insane amounts of miles. That I would push my body past it's limits. That I would willingly pay money to run a race for a medal, a shirt and a banana. But that's who I am. I am a runner. I have found the activity that makes me happy. I'm going to keep moving forward with it until I no longer can. I'm going to keep setting goals for myself. I'm going to keep proving to myself that I am kicking asphalt with each choice I make to lace up those shoes. Slow, fast, short, long, 5K, 10K, half, full, hills, speed, etc. It doesn't matter. What matters is that I am happy when I run.
Onto the next one! Las Vegas, here we come!!
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