Friday, September 26, 2014

Hill Repeats

The last time I've consciously gone out to specifically run hills for training was a long time ago. Like, so long ago that I can't even remember. It's probably been the same amount of time since I've gone out to work on speed too.

I'm comfortable. I like my 30:1 intervals. I like my 12:30-13 minute mile pace per mile. I like knowing what I can do.

I push myself with distance. I like pushing myself to go farther. 5K, 10K, half marathon, marathon (and hopefully at some point a 50K). I find that when it comes to distance I can go at my comfortable pace for longer periods of time.

But, that doesn't mean I should not try to improve in other areas. 

That includes speed and hills... 

The speed will be worked on next year, at least that's the plan. I want to increase my intervals over time and possibly set a goal to attempt another PR for both my half and full marathon times. 

That leaves hills to work on. And there isn't a better time than now to work on that.

I recently signed up for the RAD 10 miler. A race I've had my eye on to complete due to the mental and physical challenge the course provides.

I signed up this past week and the race is two weeks away. Not much time to train the way I would like or even recommend, but I will be doing everything I can to be as prepared as possible. 

Hills are my friend. I love hills. Hills, hills, hills.. 

So, hills do prove to be a challenge. They're physically exhausting after a certain point and it does take more out of you, but I don't mind hills. I actually prefer going uphill moreso than downhill, if for no other reason than for the safety of my knees. 

I went for my first attempt at hill repeats last night. 4.26 miles total, just under 3 of those miles going up and down an incline. The first of three times up hurt and I wanted to cut it short, excusing it as my first attempt in too long. But I pushed on, and the smile on my face after I finished probably said it all. 

I surprised myself by getting up early this morning to go for my long distance training run. 3 miles scheduled, 3.2 miles completed. Since it was a lower mileage week (and next week I jump up to 15!!!) I chose to not plan a course but instead to wing it, making sure to add in hills. Lots and lots of hills. 

Worse case scenario on race day is I do more walking than planned. And there's nothing wrong with that. My goal? To finish, and I know I can do that.. 

Two weeks!! Bring it!

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