Monthly mileage as of 8/30: 81.99 miles
Yearly mileage goal: 1250 miles
Yearly mileage goal as of 8/30: 850.86 miles
68.06% complete
Total mileage recorded to date (1/1/12-8/30/14): 2600.87 miles
This week's mileage: 22.27 mile week
Sunday 8/24: 3.17 mile walk
Monday 8/25: 2.04 mile walk, 1.34 mile walk, 2.86 mile interval run, 1.34 mile walk
Tuesday 8/26: 2.04 mile walk
Wednesday 8/27: 2.04 mile walk, 3.36 mile interval run
Thursday 8/28: 2.04 mile walk, 45 minute cross training- stationary bike
Friday 8/29: 2.04 mile walk, strength training- Body Revolution phase 1 workout 1
Saturday 8/30: rest
Next week's workout schedule (workouts may be rescheduled as needed)
Sunday 8/31: walk 3 miles, cross training
Monday 9/1: run
Tuesday 9/2: strength training
Wednesday 9/3: run
Thursday 9/4: strength training
Friday 9/5: cross training
Saturday 9/6: walk 3 miles, cross training
Sunday 8/24: 3.17 mile walk
Monday 8/25: 2.04 mile walk, 1.34 mile walk, 2.86 mile interval run, 1.34 mile walk
Tuesday 8/26: 2.04 mile walk
Wednesday 8/27: 2.04 mile walk, 3.36 mile interval run
Thursday 8/28: 2.04 mile walk, 45 minute cross training- stationary bike
Friday 8/29: 2.04 mile walk, strength training- Body Revolution phase 1 workout 1
Saturday 8/30: rest
Next week's workout schedule (workouts may be rescheduled as needed)
Sunday 8/31: walk 3 miles, cross training
Monday 9/1: run
Tuesday 9/2: strength training
Wednesday 9/3: run
Thursday 9/4: strength training
Friday 9/5: cross training
Saturday 9/6: walk 3 miles, cross training
I'm ready to take on September and make it a perfect workout month. I think I've scheduled my workouts well so that I am able to fit them all in without feeling overwhelmed.
I skipped my three mile long distance run this weekend because my legs were still sore from strength training. That was to be expected because it's been so long since I've done a workout DVD, but I don't anticipate needing to always take a rest day after strength once my body gets stronger. I also plan on doing the DVD on my lunch break at work since it is only a half hour and it will give me more time to recover.
I have two half marathons this month and I am really excited for both of them. It's my first year running both although I've done the same or similar course for both races before for other races. Should be fun regardless.
And our garage is on it's way to being functional! Patrick is taking the next week off of work and is going to be doing a lot of work around the house. My brother-in-law is coming over next weekend to fix the electrical in the garage and then we can start cleaning it up. Patrick will have his "man cave", Isabel will have her art room and I will have my gym area.
I'm not sure what I'm more excited about.. Having a gym area to do my DVDs and have my stationary bike (and hopefully one day a few other cardio items like a treadmill and elliptical) or having a space to display my running memorabilia. I would really like to find a cool way to display my medals and racing bibs. My bibs are currently in a scrapbook, but I may need to put them on the wall to have the visual as motivation while I'm out there training, especially on days when I may not be interested in doing it.
We'll see how it turns out, but I am really excited to get it started!
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