Monthly mileage as of 7/26: 88.84 miles
Yearly mileage goal: 1250 miles
Yearly mileage goal as of 7/26: 749.55
59.96% complete
Total mileage recorded to date (1/1/12-7/26/14): 2499.55 miles
This week's mileage: 25.56 mile week
Monday 7/21: 2.04 mile walk
Tuesday 7/22: 2.04 mile walk, 1.34 mile walk, 2.12 mile walk with dog
Wednesday 7/23: 2.04 mile walk, 2.06 mile interval run
Thursday 7/24: 2.04 mile walk, 2.12 mile walk with dog
Friday 7/25: 2.04 mile walk
Saturday 7/26: 5.6 mile interval run-
Wednesday 7/23: 2.04 mile walk, 2.06 mile interval run
Thursday 7/24: 2.04 mile walk, 2.12 mile walk with dog
Friday 7/25: 2.04 mile walk
Saturday 7/26: 5.6 mile interval run-
Upcoming races:
August- Arroyo Creek Half
September- Ventura Pier 2 Pier
October- Rock N Roll Los Angeles
November- Rock N Roll Las Vegas
December- Santa to the Sea and San Diego Holiday Half
January I will be running 48.6 miles in my own tribute to the Dopey Challenge. I had questioned whether I still get to brag about it since it's not the actual race and I got positive feedback about still doing it without everything that the race provides. But it was suggested that I rename the challenge as it technically is not the Dopey Challenge and I agree. However, I'm drawing a blank. I cannot seem to think of anything to name the challenge that sounds good but can also be linked somehow to Dopey as that's where the inspiration came from. Suggestions are welcome!
March: LA Marathon
June: Mammoth Half Marathon
December: Santa to the Sea
I plan on running a few more races in 2015, I just haven't decided which ones. I am not setting a goal to complete a certain number of races (although it was motivating, just a little too much money to continue). I am also not setting a mileage goal once I reach the 1250 miles in a year. It was a great goal to set and I'm excited as it looks like I will be reaching my goal this year, but it occasionally took the fun out of running. Too much math to see where I was to reach my monthly goal and how many miles I'd have to go to catch up if I had fallen behind.
I just want to run because I'm either training or for the fun of it. So next year I will be tracking my miles with no goal in mind and I will be choosing races that I've run before and have enjoyed or trying new ones that sound like fun.
August- Arroyo Creek Half
September- Ventura Pier 2 Pier
October- Rock N Roll Los Angeles
November- Rock N Roll Las Vegas
December- Santa to the Sea and San Diego Holiday Half
January I will be running 48.6 miles in my own tribute to the Dopey Challenge. I had questioned whether I still get to brag about it since it's not the actual race and I got positive feedback about still doing it without everything that the race provides. But it was suggested that I rename the challenge as it technically is not the Dopey Challenge and I agree. However, I'm drawing a blank. I cannot seem to think of anything to name the challenge that sounds good but can also be linked somehow to Dopey as that's where the inspiration came from. Suggestions are welcome!
March: LA Marathon
June: Mammoth Half Marathon
December: Santa to the Sea
I plan on running a few more races in 2015, I just haven't decided which ones. I am not setting a goal to complete a certain number of races (although it was motivating, just a little too much money to continue). I am also not setting a mileage goal once I reach the 1250 miles in a year. It was a great goal to set and I'm excited as it looks like I will be reaching my goal this year, but it occasionally took the fun out of running. Too much math to see where I was to reach my monthly goal and how many miles I'd have to go to catch up if I had fallen behind.
I just want to run because I'm either training or for the fun of it. So next year I will be tracking my miles with no goal in mind and I will be choosing races that I've run before and have enjoyed or trying new ones that sound like fun.
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