My goal for this year was to participate in 14 half marathons as well as run and/or walk 1250 total miles. My 7th half for the year is this weekend and as of this morning I am at 625.60 miles for the year.
I also had a running streak goal. Minimum one mile run for 500 days in a row. I made it to day 235 before I had to end the streak per doctor's orders. That wasn't an easy goal to accept failure of, but due to bursitis (inflammation) in my hip from overuse I knew I needed to make a choice. It was a simple decision, but it was a difficult few days of rest. I knew that completing all 14 half marathons and reaching my mileage goal was more important to me than running 500 days in a row. I mean, 235 isn't much compared to some streaks (like the record of 16,436 days in a row) but it was my longest running streak and something that I should be proud of.
The ending of my streak will help my training. That's the way I'm looking at it. I was running the bare minimum in order to satisfy my streak, but I wasn't putting my all into it. And a weekly total mileage of 15-20 miles is not going to be enough when training for another 8 half marathons this year and my own version of the Dopey Challenge in January.
The motivation I felt at the beginning of the year when I made the above goals has not stayed the entire time though, and the training has gone from full force to barely there. But, I haven't stopped yet and I'm ready to get back to following a plan that includes running, strength training, cross training and rest days.
The issue I have with training plans is that I tend to jump in and I try to do too much at once which causes me to feel burnt out early on. One rest day turns into two, turns into a week, etc.. This time I'm trying to give myself a break and do what I can when I can while still following what I have scheduled as closely as possible.
I have hope that I will be able to follow this plan without thinking I'm not doing enough or by adding more workouts each week. I'm learning to accept what I am capable of and not pushing myself too far. I do not want another injury or to make this one worse. I'll be following my doctors orders by taking the ibuprofen, stretching, only running 2-3 days a week and of course listening to my body. It took me too long to see a doctor with this injury so I need to work on my stubborn personality and remember that a pain is a sign that rest is needed.
With that said, I've made a training schedule through January. I'm going to remain flexible with changes that arise and remember that life happens and it's okay to update plans along the way. I'm no expert when it comes to training or making these plans but I'm semi-following a training plan for the running portion (more on that later) and am adding in what I think is best for me and my body.
For now I have planned the following:
running: three runs scheduled a week, including one long distance training run on the weekend.
strength/cross training: I've also added a flexible cross/strength training plan of three days a week where I can choose one or the other, not both. The strength training will either be a DVD (I have done, enjoy, and have seen success with Jillian Michael's DVDs) or a workout I make up, and cross training will be the stationary bike or walking for now.
rest: Then there will be one day that can be either a rest day or I can go for a short walk. This will fall on the weekend and will be the opposite day of the long distance run.
Training officially started this past Tuesday and has gone well so far. My hip pain has not flared up and I'm hoping as the week continues and the more I start to do that it will stay that way. I'll probably update on training at the end of each week. What's working, what changes were made and what progress I'm seeing.
I've made sure to discuss the plan with Patrick and anyone else who I may need assistance from to watch Isabel while I'm out running these miles. Not only will I need help with her, but I'll also need help on occasion to push me out the door when I'm mentally not in it but physically okay to run. Plus it's always nice to have that support from family and friends. Not just nice, it's necessary..
There is absolutely no way I could do what I've done to this point without the support I have already received and absolutely no way I can do what I have planned without that same support. To be honest, the support is not just a part of the equation to being successful.. It's the majority of it. At least for me.
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