Wednesday, November 4, 2015

3 Day Streak

I've completed three days of walking at work and three days of going to Hyperion in a row. Sunday was a complete rest day (including a nap) to try to get rid of this cold that seems to want to hang around..

Monday began a new week and I wanted to start it off right. 




I haven't decided if I'm going to boot camp tomorrow or if I'm substituting my fourth class for my training run this weekend. What I do know is that I'm going to at least get in some activity for the rest of the week. I can at least do that..

Monday, November 2, 2015

Weigh In

One week of the challenge down! 

Tonight was weigh in and I think after a week of being sick and a week of eating out the majority of the time, I did pretty well.

Down another half a pound!! 

Patrick and I went grocery shopping yesterday and I really think that if I stick to it as close as possible then I will be able to see a bigger loss. 

On top of that I'm focusing on getting more sleep and keeping my stress levels as low as I can.. 

I have four classes planned for this week and trying to get in lots of miles. I'm really enjoying this push and absolutely cannot wait to take progress pictures and measurements. 

I needed the push to step out of my comfort zone. My sister knew that. If she didn't have my best interest at heart then I wouldn't be pushing my limits and loving every minute of it. She pushed me to join and she is my inspiration. I want to make her proud.